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Core php Class

PHP Content

  • PHP Introduction
  • PHP Install
  • PHP Structure
  • PHP Echo/Print
  • PHP Variables
  • PHP Data Types
  • PHP Comment
  • PHP Constants
  • PHP Arithmetic Operators
  • PHP Assign Operators
  • PHP Comparison Operators
  • PHP If
  • PHP Logical Operators
  • PHP If else
  • PHP If Elseif
  • PHP Switch
  • PHP Ternary Operator
  • PHP String
  • PHP While Loop
  • PHP Do While Loop
  • PHP For Loop
  • PHP Nested Loop
  • PHP Continue & Break
  • PHP Goto
  • PHP Functions
  • PHP Functions with Parameters
  • PHP Functions with Returning Value
  • PHP Function Argument By Reference
  • PHP Variable Functions
  • PHP Recursive Function
  • PHP Global/Local Variable
  • PHP Array
  • PHP Associative Array
  • PHP Foreach Loop
  • PHP Multidimensional Array
  • PHP Multidimensional Associative Array
  • PHP Foreach Loop with List
  • PHP Array Count & Sizeof
  • PHP Array In_array & Array_search
  • PHP Array_replace & Array_replace_recursive
  • PHP Array_pop & Array_push
  • PHP Array_shift & Array_unshift
  • PHP Array_Merge & Array_Combine
  • PHP Array_Slice
  • PHP Array_Splice
  • PHP Array Key
  • PHP Array Intersect
  • PHP Array Diff & Udiff
  • PHP Array_Values & Array_Unique
  • PHP Array_Column & Array_Chunk
  • PHP Array_Flip & Array_Change_Key_Case
  • PHP Array_Sum & Array_Product
  • PHP Array_Rand & Shuffle
  • PHP Array_Fill & Array_Fill_Keys
  • PHP Array_Walk & Array_Walk_Recursive
  • PHP Array_Map
  • PHP Array_Reduce
  • PHP Array Sorting
  • PHP Array Traversing
  • PHP Array List
  • PHP Array Extract & Compact
  • PHP Array_Range
  • PHP Explode & Implode
  • PHP String Str_split & Chunk_split
  • PHP String LowerCase & UpperCase
  • PHP String Length & Count
  • PHP String Search & Find Position
  • PHP String Search Functions
  • PHP String Substr Function
  • PHP String Replace Functions
  • PHP String Compare Functions
  • PHP String Strrev & Str_shuffle
  • PHP String Str_Pad & Str_Repeat
  • PHP String Trim & Chop
  • PHP String Addslashes & Stipslashes
  • PHP Htmlentities & Htmlspecialchars
  • PHP Md5 & Sha1
  • PHP Convert_uuencode & Convert_uudecode
  • PHP bin2hex & hex2bin
  • PHP Chr & Ord
  • PHP Strip_tags & Wordwrap
  • PHP Math Min & Max
  • PHP Math Ceil, Floor, Round, Abs
  • PHP Math Intdiv, Sqrt, Pow
  • PHP Math Rand, Mt_rand & Lcg_value
  • PHP Date
  • PHP Time
  • PHP Mktime & Gmmktime
  • PHP Date_create & Date_format
  • PHP Checkdate & Date_diff
  • PHP Date_add, Date_sub & Date_modify
  • PHP Getdate, Localtime, Gettimeofday
  • PHP Date_parse
  • PHP Strtotime, Strftime, Gmstrftime
  • PHP Date_time_set
  • PHP TimeZone
  • PHP Include & Require
  • PHP Include_once & Require_once
  • PHP Session
  • PHP FILES Variable & move_uploaded_file
  • PHP Die & Exit